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use and file

OIR Emergency Order Extends Deadlines in Panhandle

OIR Emergency Order Extends Deadlines in Panhandle

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has issued an Emergency Order applicable to Florida’s Panhandle and Big Bend regions.  The order requires insurers to rescind recently issued cancellation and nonrenewal notices and to extend policyholders’ deadlines.  It is similar to one issued last year following Hurricane Irma, although this year’s order covers a narrower area light of Hurricane […]

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Differences in Property Legislation Remain at Session’s Midpoint

Differences in Property Legislation Remain at Session’s Midpoint

As we have now reached the midpoint of the 2011 legislative, some of the key elements of this year’s property insurance legislation still differ in significant ways between the House and Senate versions.  Property legislation tends to go down to the wire each year, and this year looks like it will be no exception. Some […]

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Governor vetoes property bill; signs commericial deregulation bill

Governor vetoes property bill; signs commericial deregulation bill

The Governor vetoed SB 2044, the big property bill, Tuesday night.  In his veto message he expressed concern about the change in how mitigation credits and debits would be implemented and the expansion of the expedited rate filing process.  The veto does mean that  the prohibition against use and file expires on December 31, 2010.   This bill […]

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