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OIR Emergency Order Extends Deadlines in Panhandle

OIR Emergency Order Extends Deadlines in Panhandle

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has issued an Emergency Order applicable to Florida’s Panhandle and Big Bend regions.  The order requires insurers to rescind recently issued cancellation and nonrenewal notices and to extend policyholders’ deadlines.  It is similar to one issued last year following Hurricane Irma, although this year’s order covers a narrower area light of Hurricane Michael’s more concentrated impact.

The order implements the emergency measures set forth at Rule 69O-142.015, Florida Administrative Code.  Insurers will be required to rescind and reissue notices sent to the affected areas in the days leading up to the storm.  In addition, insurers will not be able to send cancellation or nonrenewal notices for 90 days except in limited instances.

As with last year’s order, the current Emergency Order also establishes a 90-day period in which rate filing approvals will be suspended.  Insurers are not able to implement “use and file” rate filings during this time.  Also, “file and use” rate filings will not be able to have effective dates prior to January 7, 2019.  The OIR will continue to accept and review rate filings during this time but the effective dates must be on or after January 7.