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House of Representatives

House and Senate Remain Apart on AOB Reform

House and Senate Remain Apart on AOB Reform

Just two weeks into the 2018 legislative session, the Florida House of Representatives and Senate continue to take distinct approaches to the “assignment of benefits” concerns affecting Floridians through increased insurance premiums.  The House passed a bill containing reforms directed at the root of the problem–  the one-way attorneys’ fee statute against insurers, which has […]

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OIR Updates Irma Response

OIR Updates Irma Response

Insurance Commissioner David Altmaier provided updates to the Florida Senate and House of Representatives committees responsible for overseeing insurance issues.  Commissioner Altmaier began by summarizing steps the OIR took prior to Hurricane Irma to prepare for the event and provide information to insurers.  These steps included press releases and other consumer-oriented communications, outreach to insurers […]

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Salary Credit Against Premium Tax Remains Intact

Salary Credit Against Premium Tax Remains Intact

The 2017 legislative session might be best remembered for key initiatives that did not pass–  the legislature did not address the “assignment of benefits” issue and the increases to workers’ compensation insurance rates following recent Florida Supreme Court opinions.  The legislature also did not act with respect to Florida’s premium tax credit for salaries paid to […]

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Direct Primary Care Bill Goes Before Full House

Direct Primary Care Bill Goes Before Full House

The Florida House of Representatives’ version of the direct primary care bill (HB 37) has passed all of its assigned committees and is on second reading.  The bill passed two committees unopposed and attracted only a single dissenting vote in a third. The bill would create a new section 624.27 within the Florida Insurance Code […]

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Insurance Consumer Advocate to Host Balance Billing Forum

Insurance Consumer Advocate to Host Balance Billing Forum

Insurance Consumer Advocate Sha’Ron James will host a forum on October 15, 2015, entitled “Finding a Balanced Approach to Unexpected Medical Expenses.”  The forum will bring consumers, medical professionals, insurers and other interested parties together to discuss the balance billing issue.  Ms. James recently told the Florida House of Representatives’ Banking & Insurance Subcommittee that […]

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Consumer Advocate Identifies AOB Issue as a Property Insurance Priority

Consumer Advocate Identifies AOB Issue as a Property Insurance Priority

Insurance Consumer Advocate Sha’Ron James recently told the House of Representatives’ Banking & Insurance Subcommittee that the assignment of benefits issue is a priority for her office in the 2016 legislative session due to the adverse impact it is having on consumers.  While she indicated that her office is still evaluating the issue and is […]

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Legislature Back for Special Session on Budget

Legislature Back for Special Session on Budget

The Florida legislature is back in session from June 1 through as late as June 20 with the primary objective of passing a state budget.  The special session became necessary when the House of Representatives abruptly ended its work in the regular session three days early over a disagreement with the Senate as to healthcare […]

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Special Session Set for June 1

Special Session Set for June 1

House Speaker Steve Crisafulli and Sentate President Andy Gardiner formally called the legislature into a special session to begin June 1.  The special session might last until June 20, or such earlier time as the legislature may accomplish their constitutionally required objective of passing a budget. The special session became necessary when lawmakers could not […]

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Special Session Set for June 1

Special Session Set for June 1

After one of the strangest finishes to a regular session that we’ve seen, the Florida legislature will convene in a special session starting June 1 to deal with the budget and potentially other issues.  The special session will begin June 1 and will conclude by June 20, with the possibility that it could end earlier […]

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House Adjourns and Ends Session Early

House Adjourns and Ends Session Early

In an unusual move, the Florida House of Representatives adjourned this afternoon and effectively ended the 2015 legislative session.  The Florida Senate remains in session, but at this point it can only pass legislation that has already passed the House. The House’s adjournment came after comments from Speaker Crisafulli indicating that the two chambers have […]

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