The Governor and the Cabinet, sitting as the Financial Services Commission, met today and again interviewed candidates for the position of Florida Insurance Commissioner. Two new candidates were interviewed – OIR Chief of Staff Belinda Miller and Raymond Blacklidge, EVP of American Traditions Insurance Co. and Modern USA Insurance Co. – as well as second […]
After the Affordable Care Act became law, Florida officials did not take steps to immediately implement it. Due in part to budget considerations and to hopes that it might be repealed or revised after the fall 2012 election cycle, Florida policymakers deferred preparations for the new law. Now the legislature has committees devoted to the task. The Office […]
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation held a public hearing today in Miami to seek additional information about Citizens Property Insurance Corporation’s recommended rate filings and to allow interested parties to comment. Florida law specifies that Citizens will submit actuarially sound rates, provided that no policyholders’ rates will go up by more than 10% (with […]