News & Updates


Proposals to Reduce the FHCF

Travis Miller discusses proposals to reduce the FHCF.

FHCF Proposal

Travis Miller discusses the practical impact of reducing the size of the FHCF in relation to the current status of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.

Supreme Court Reviews Rulemaking Authority

Travis Miller discusses a recent Florida Supreme Court decision on administrative rulemaking.

Sinkhole Rates

Travis Miller discusses issues surrounding ratemaking for Citizens’ sinkhole coverage.

Senate Interim Projects

Travis Miller identifies some of the legislative issues being considered by the Senate staff for 2012.

SB 408 Forms Revisions

Travis Miller discusses forms revision issues arising from the 2011 property bill.

Senate Bill Contains Compromises on Sinkhole Reforms

Travis Miller discusses how SB 408 reflects compromises between a range of proposals that surfaced this year to deal with Florida’s sinkhole insurance problems.

Replacement Cost Coverage

Travis Miller discusses how traditional replacement cost coverage procedures are more beneficial to consumers than current Florida law.

Administrative Rulemaking Under Review

 Travis Miller discusses the current rule freeze as a supplement to the January edition of our Florida Insurance Report.

Challenges Await Florida’s Property Market in 2011

Travis Miller discusses current issues affecting the Florida property insurance market.