Florida Considers Affordable Care Act

The State of Florida has not moved forward with efforts to create a health insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act. However, with President Obama winning another term and the Affordable Care Act being here to stay, Florida is now considering a range of health care issues. Governor Rick Scott recently requested the opportunity to meet with federal officials about the Act and other healthcare issues. Among these other issues, the state wants approval of its effort to put most Medicaid beneficiaries in managed care plans.
Governor Scott expressed to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that Florida and the federal government “share the same goals when it comes to lowering the costs of health care and addressing the need for better access to quality health care.” However, Governor Scott remains skeptical that certain certain provisions of the law (namely the health insurance exchanges) will be effective in achieving these goals. The Governor also pointed out that Florida’s Medicaid managed care proposals have not been approved by CMS. “Statewide Medicaid managed care is one way we can act immediately to encourage more competition in health care which would drive down costs and increase outcomes and services,” said the Governor.
Meanwhile, incoming Senate President Don Gaetz and House Speaker Will Weatherford have indicated in recent days that Florida will not meet a deadline for indicating whether Florida will operate a health insurance exchange. Even though the federal government has extended the deadline for states to make their intentions known, Florida’s legislature will not meet until Spring 2013.