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Governor Scott Raises Possibility of Optional PIP

Governor Scott Raises Possibility of Optional PIP

Gov. Rick Scott recently indicated that he would support making personal injury protection coverage, or PIP, optional.  Currently, Florida motorists are required to carry $10,000 in PIP coverage.  PIP pays medical bills without regard to who as it fault in an accident.  However, PIP coverage has been the subject of considerable fraud such as staged accidents and billings for procedures that are unnecessary or not performed.

The legislature considered PIP reform proposals in the 2011 legislative session.  However, revisions to the PIP law attract interest from a wide range of parties, often making solutions or compromises difficult to achieve.  The legislature ultimately did not pass a PIP reform bill this year, but the topic is expected to surface again in 2012 as PIP experience in Florida continues to deteriorate and rates increase as a result.