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Progress Energy asks for reduction in what it charges for fuel

By Ivan Penn, Times Staff Writer

Progress Energy wants to lower at least part of its customers’ bills next year.
The utility on Monday filed for a reduction in fuel costs that would take effect beginning in January. The reduction would cut the fuel portion of the customers’ monthly bill by $9.89 for 1,000 kilowatt hours. The average Tampa Bay area customer uses about 1,200 kilowatt hours a month.

Progress customers still could see an overall increase in their bills of $3.94 for 1,000 kilowatt hours, because the company requested an increase in the base rate on the electric bills. The utility wants to charge customers an additional $13.83 on the base rate for 1,000 kilowatt hours. Progress makes no profit on the fuel used to generate electricity. It’s what’s called a "pass through" to customers.

Tampa Electric Company has made a similar request, but its customers would realize a net decrease in their bills of $1.46.

The Public Service Commission has scheduled hearings on the Progress’ fuel cost reduction request for Nov. 2 to 4.