The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has issued an emergency order in the wake of Hurricane Irma. The order broadly applies to the insurance industry in Florida and is not limited to property insurers. At a high level, the order extends time periods that otherwise would apply for up to 90 days following Hurricane Irma. […]
The Office of Insurance Regulation issued an Order disapproving a statewide average rate decrease of 3.3% for workers compensation insurance filed by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). However, in doing so, the OIR specified revisions NCCI can make that will result in approval of a filing with a statewide average decrease of 5.2%. […]
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation issued orders last year allowing property and casualty insurers to certify most products’ compliance with the insurance code rather than seeking prior approval of the forms. The orders are helpful to the Office of Insurance Regulation in reducing some of the workload associated with reviewing the filings. At the […]
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has issued a revised Order numbered 130176-12 relating to exempting certain property and casualty insurance forms from the statutory review and approval process. The new Order replaces Order 126368-12 issued June 25, 2012. Under the new order, insurance company officials may continue to submit certifications with their form filings […]