News & Updates


OIR Highlights Economic Impact of Insurance Industry

OIR Highlights Economic Impact of Insurance Industry

Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty appeared before the Governor and Cabinet last week to discuss potential standards under which the Office of Insurance Regulation can be objectively reviewed.  The Governor and Cabinet have indicated that they want to hear from the agencies they oversee, including the Office of Insurance Regulation, regarding appropriate measurements for their agencies. […]

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FHCF Seeks Authority to Explore Risk Transfer Options

FHCF Seeks Authority to Explore Risk Transfer Options

The Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund is seeking authorization from the Trustees of the State Board of Administration to explore, negotiate and enter into a combination of risk transfer products and/or pre-event notes totaling up to $2.2 billion.  The Trustees of the State Board of Administration are the Governor, Chief Financial Officer and Attorney General.  The issue […]

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Election Night Brings No Changes to Financial Services Commission

Election Night Brings No Changes to Financial Services Commission

The Governor and Cabinet serve as a collegial governing body known as the Financial Services Commission, which has rulemaking authority for the Office of Insurance Regulation.  In addition, the FSC designates the insurance commissioner by a majority vote, with the Governor and Chief Financial Officer required to be on the same side.  After last night’s elections, […]

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Governor’s Race Remains Deadlocked

Governor’s Race Remains Deadlocked

Throughout the campaign, most observers have said that the race between incumbent Rick Scott and former Governor Charlie Crist will go down to the wire. A recent poll heading into the early voting period suggests this remains the case. According to a Qunnipiac poll, Scott and Crist are deadlocked at 42 percent each among likely […]

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Crist Names Running Mate

Crist Names Running Mate

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist has named Miami-Dade County’s Annette Taddeo as his running mate.  This selection might help Crist, who is from the Tampa/St. Petersburg area, increase his appeal to South Florida voters, women and Hispanics.  Although Crist faces a primary opponent in former Senate majority leader Nan Rich, the focus of this year’s […]

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SB 542 Aims to Encourage Private Flood Insurance Programs

SB 542 Aims to Encourage Private Flood Insurance Programs

The Florida legislature adopted SB 542 intended to encourage admitted market insurers to write personal residential flood insurance programs.  If approved by the Governor, the bill will make changes to Florida’s rating law and modeling review process to facilitate private flood products. Section 627.062, Florida Statutes, lists factors to be considered by the Office of […]

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Governor Scott Fills LG Vacancy

Governor Scott Fills LG Vacancy

Governor Scott has filled a 10-month vacancy in the Lieutenant Governor position by naming Carlos Lopez-Cantera to the post.  Lopez-Cantera previously served eight years in the Florida House of Representatives and was the Republican majority leader.  Since leaving the House, Lopez-Cantera has been the Miami-Dade County property appraiser. The Lieutentant Governor position has been vacant […]

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Sink Decides Against Bid for Governor

Sink Decides Against Bid for Governor

Former state Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink has decided against another run for Governor.  Sink lost a close race against Rick Scott in 2010 and was considering another run in 2014.  Sink said she instead intends to continue her work with a nonprofit organization she created to assist young entrepreneurs.”  After careful consideration, I have […]

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OIR Cautions Against Premature Conclusions from Draft PIP Report

OIR Cautions Against Premature Conclusions from Draft PIP Report

One of the great benefits of Florida’s public records law is early and thorough access to information prepared for or on behalf of the government.  At this same time, this access can lead to dissemination of information before it has been finalized or fully vetted.  This is the case with the draft report titled “Impact Analysis of […]

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Governor Regains Control of Executive Branch Rulemaking

Governor Regains Control of Executive Branch Rulemaking

Governor Rick Scott has signed HB 7055 into law restoring the Governor’s ability to directing rulemaking at agencies under his control.  The legislature passed the bill this year in response to the Florida Supreme Court’s decision in Whiley v. Scott.  That case arose from the Governor’s first official act when he took office, which was […]

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