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depreciation holdback

Supreme Court Defines Overhead and Profit Obligation

Supreme Court Defines Overhead and Profit Obligation

In Trinidad v. Florida Peninsula Insurance Company issued July 3, 2013, the Florida Supreme Court considered the scope of replacement cost coverage under the 2008 version of Section 627.7011, Florida Statutes.  The statute provided that the insurer would pay the insured the replacement cost of his damaged property without regard to whether the insured repaired […]

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Rate Process, Depreciation Holdback Among Key Legislative Issues

Rate Process, Depreciation Holdback Among Key Legislative Issues

Each year at the outset of the legislative session, there is considerable speculation as to proposals that might pass and those that will fall by the wayside.  Some proposals evoke strong feelings from opposing sides of the debate, as is likely to be the case in 2010 with proposals like the “consumer choice” bill that […]

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