Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum sent a letter to leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate setting forth the basis for his finding that the proposed federal health care bill is unconstitutional. The letter calls into question provisions of the health care bill that would require every American to purchase health insurance […]
With the holidays behind us and the 2010 legislative session fast approaching, considerable attention will turn to the many political races that promise to shape Florida’s future. Many candidates used early starts in 2009 to raise money and put together the campaign infrastructures they will need to carry themselves to the primaries and general election […]
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum announced over the holidays that his staff will be reviewing the legality of the federal health-care bill. McCollum, who is running for Governor, refers to the much-debated health-care bill as a “tax on living.” He questions a requirement in the bill that all citizens either obtain insurance or pay into […]