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Florida Supreme Court Finds Another Provision of WC Law Unconstitutional

Florida Supreme Court Finds Another Provision of WC Law Unconstitutional

For the second time in six weeks, the Florida Supreme Court has held part of Florida’s workers’ compensation law to be unconstitutional.  In Westphal v. City of St. Petersburg, the Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of section 440.15(2)(a), Florida Statutes, which cuts off disability benefits at 104 weeks for a worker who is totally disabled […]

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Policyholder Brings PIP Challenge

Policyholder Brings PIP Challenge

A recently filed South Florida lawsuit seeks to have Florida’s 2012 Personal Injury Protection (PIP) reforms declared unconstitutional.  The reforms were an effort to stem rising PIP rates and included a $2500 cap on non-emergency services while also removing certain types of services from PIP altogether. This is not the first lawsuit to challenge the […]

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PIP Challenge Over….For Now

PIP Challenge Over….For Now

The Florida Supreme Court has announced that it will not hear an appeal relating to the 2012 revisions to Florida’s Personal Injury Protection law.  This means the reforms remain in effect.  The reforms have been taken into account in insurers’ rate filings, so the Supreme Court’s decision keeps the legal reforms in line with the […]

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