Governor Crist Calls for Special Session

On Thursday, July 8, Governor Charlie Crist called for a special session to consider adding a constitutional amendment on the November ballot banning offshore drilling in Florida waters.
The session would run from July 20 to July 23. “I feel a compelling duty to protect Florida,” Crist said in his press conference from Tallahassee.
It appears the Governor may have support in the Senate, but not the House. Crist said he expects Senator Alex Villalobos, R-Miami, to sponsor the resolution in the Senate. Leaders in the House however have stated they oppose a special session. They note state law already bans drilling in state waters and accuse Crist of political grandstanding.
The amendment must be done by August 4 to make the November ballot.
At this time, the call does not include any consideration of insurance issues. However, there has been some discussions with legislative leadership that it should be added in order to override the Governor’s veto of SB 2044, the omnibus property bill.