‘Beat the heat’ tweets available on Twitter from Progress Energy
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (July 13, 2009) – Customers in Florida can beat the heat this summer with tips from the EnergyAdvisors, a new, free service that Progress Energy is making available through Twitter. Followers of the new account will receive regular tweets throughout the summer that include practical ways they can save energy and save money on their energy bills. The program begins today and will run through Sept. 20.
Twitter is a micro-blogging tool that allows users to send out short pieces of information to a group of followers. Each communication, called a tweet, contains 140 characters or less of text.
Tweets will focus on low- and no-cost tips, as well as programs offered by Progress Energy, to help customers save energy and money.
In addition to a significant Internet presence and more traditional customer communications, Progress Energy uses Twitter to send out corporate announcements, storm restoration updates and other information to its account followers. The new EnergyAdvisors Twitter account will be dedicated to providing energy-efficiency tips and information to followers over the summer.
Twitter users can sign up to follow Progress Energy’s EnergyAdvisors program at www.twitter.com/EnergyAdvisors. Customers can follow the company’s corporate account at www.twitter.com/ProgressEnergy.
Partnering with customers to increase participation in energy efficiency programs is one way that Progress Energy is meeting the future energy needs of its customers. The company is also investing in renewable energy and state-of-the-art plants.
Progress Energy (NYSE: PGN), headquartered in Raleigh, N.C., is a Fortune 500 energy company with more than 21,000 megawatts of generation capacity and $9 billion in annual revenues. Progress Energy includes two major electric utilities that serve approximately 3.1 million customers in the Carolinas and Florida. The company has earned the Edison Electric Institute’s Edison Award, the industry’s highest honor, in recognition of its operational excellence, and was the first utility to receive the prestigious J.D. Power and Associates Founder’s Award for customer service. The company is pursuing a balanced strategy for a secure energy future, which includes aggressive energy-efficiency programs, investments in renewable energy technologies and a state-of-the-art electricity system. Progress Energy celebrated a century of service in 2008. Visit the company’s Web site at www.progress-energy.com.