RTYC Women Walk 60 Miles
Nine members of the “Radey Law” walking team participated in the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3-Day on October 24-26, 2008. The hilly route covered 60 miles through the northern Atlanta suburbs and downtown.
All six of the firm’s women lawyers, as well as the firm administrator, a paralegal, and a former firm lawyer participated in the event. Members of the “Radey Law” team raised $25,700 as part of the walk. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and National Philanthropic Trust.
The first day of the walk featured steady rain and wind, with temperatures hovering around 50. The team walked nonetheless, covering 18.3 miles that day. The second and third days were cold but with sunny skies – perfect weather for a long walk.
The “Radey Law” team consists of all of the firm’s women lawyers – Karen Asher-Cohen, Donna Blanton, Susan Clark, Toni Egan, Elizabeth McArthur, and Lisa Scoles – as well as Paralegal Laureen McElroy and Firm Administrator Peggy Smith. Additionally, Natalie Smith, a former lawyer with the firm and now director of regulatory relations for Florida Power & Light Company, is a team member.
Each team member was individually required to raise a minimum of $2,200 in order to participate in the event. Most of the team members far exceeded that requirement.
To learn more about Breast Cancer 3-Day events, which take place between August and November of this year in fourteen cities, please visit http://08.the3day.org.