Shareholders Accept Invitation to Florida First DCA American Inn of Court
Shareholders Donna E. Blanton and Elizabeth McArthur have accepted invitations to become charter members of the First District Court of Appeal American Inn of Court. An American Inn of Court is a mixture of no more than 80 members including judges, experienced lawyers, law professors, less experienced lawyers, and law students in an organized and continuing structure.
Its goal is to enhance directly the professional and ethical quality of legal practice in the area served by the court. Both Ms. Blanton and Ms. McArthur were invited to join the Inn as master members.
Although numerous trial court Inns operate around the country, the First DCA’s Inn is only the third appellate Inn of Court in the United States. The First DCA’s Inn was organized by Judge James R. Wolf. Other First DCA judges participating as charter members are Judges Charles J. Kahn, Peter D. Webster, William A. Van Nortwick, and Brad L. Thomas.
The First District Court of Appeal is one of five appellate courts in Florida that have jurisdiction to review most final judgments or orders of trial courts. Additionally, the district courts of appeal have the power of direct review of most administrative actions, including final orders issued pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act. Because of its location in Tallahassee, the state capital, the First DCA hears many cases involving the actions of state government.