Eight RTYC Women to Walk 60 Miles for Breast Cancer Research
Eight women from Radey Thomas Yon & Clark, including all six of the firm’s women lawyers, are participating in the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3Day Walk in October. Each member of our "Radey Law" team will walk 60 miles in three days and, in the process, raise at least $17,600 for breast cancer research. Team members are Shareholders Karen Asher-Cohen, Donna E. Blanton, Susan Clark and Elizabeth McArthur; Associates Toni Egan and Lisa Scoles; Paralegal Laureen McElroy; and Office Manager Peggy Smith.
Each walker is required to raise at least $2,200 for the cause. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.
To visit our team’s web page, go to http://08.the3day.org/goto/Radey.Law.Team. To make a contribution to our team, please visit the web page of Team Captain Donna E. Blanton at http://08.the3day.org/goto/Donna.Blanton.
To learn more about the Breast Cancer 3Day, go to http://www.the3day.org/