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Lawsuits Continue to Plague Property Market

Lawsuits Continue to Plague Property Market

The Florida property insurance market continues to experience reduced availability and increasing prices due to extraordinary litigation levels.  Widely-discussed sources show that Florida has nearly 80% of the nation’s property insurance litigation despite having less than ten percent of the countrywide claims.  Stated differently, Florida had about 100,000 lawsuits last year, which vastly outpaced the […]

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Florida Leads Nation in Homeowners Litigation by Staggering Margin

Florida Leads Nation in Homeowners Litigation by Staggering Margin

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) recently analyzed nationwide homeowners insurance claims and litigation data and reached a well-known but unfortunate conclusion–  Florida leads the country in litigation by a staggering margin. OIR aggregated market conduct survey data related to lawsuits opened throughout the United States from 2016 through 2019 (the last year for […]

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