Hearing Set for FPL Underground Tariffs
State of Florida
6/1/2009 Contact: 850-413-6482
TALLAHASSEE — Florida’s Public Service Commission (PSC) will conduct a hearing beginning Wednesday, June 3, 2009, to consider several Florida Power & Light (FPL) petitions regarding underground distribution. Commissioners will determine the appropriate underground residential distribution (URD) tariffs and underground conversion contributions in aid of construction (CIAC) charges. The Commission will also determine if the temporary CIAC charges allowed were too high and whether this means any change to FPL’s tariffs is necessary.
At the hearing, all parties will have the opportunity to present testimony and other evidence on the issues. The Commission will also consider any motions or other undergrounding matters that may be pending and can either rule on the motions from the bench or take the matters under advisement.
The hearing is set for the following time and location:
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
9:30 a.m.
Betty Easley Conference Center
Joseph P. Cresse Hearing Room (Room 148)
4075 Esplanade Way
Tallahassee, Florida
If needed, Thursday, June 4, 2009, has been reserved for continuation of the hearing. The starting time of the next day’s session will be announced at the conclusion of the prior day.
The PSC is committed to making sure that Florida’s consumers receive their electric, natural gas, telephone, water, and wastewater services in a safe, affordable, and reliable manner. The PSC exercises regulatory authority over utilities in the areas of rate base/economic regulation; competitive market oversight; and monitoring of safety, reliability, and service.
For additional information, visit www.floridapsc.com.